What is it about?

Amuletum is a new fantasy adventure board game that boasts original new “game mechanics, which brings you a truly unique and exciting new game experience.
This adventure takes place in medieval England 1000 years ago.
Nine dragons under the sway of a dark wizard named Zero are ravaging the kingdom, and are threatening to destroy it.
Players must build their magic power and seek to become knights or dames in order to fight and kill the dragons with the help of magic Amulets obtained from the Guardian Wizard Ragdelf, and save the kingdom.
The old king has no heirs to the throne, and has decreed that he will pass his crown to the knight or dame with the most amount of magic power between the one who kills the last dragon, and the one who kills the greatest number of dragons.
Moreover, while pursuing this quest, players are impelled to race against time to protect and prevent any of the 18 townes (towns) in 9 shires of the kingdom from being destroyed by a 6th dragon attack, because any towne not protected by magic power can only sustain 5 dragon attacks without being destroyed, and a destroyed towne immediately forfeits the game to the dragons.
Ironically, players must form alliances and work together in this race to enhance the possibility that one of them will emerge as the winner, otherwise the dragons are more likely to win.
This game will have one of two possible outcomes: either one of the players will win, or one or more of the dragons will win.

What is the cost?

Amuletum on the Triadegy website will cost $65 US + shipping. Shipping charges will be assessed according to region.

Where can I buy it?

Amuletum will be available for pre-order online at and

When will it be on sale?

Amuletum is finished (fully play tested), and has a manufacturer ready to produce it, so it is ready to be launched. The launch date will depend on Amuletum’s level of social media exposure over the coming months.
We are hoping the launch in 2023.

How do you play it?

Amuletum is a table top board game, and is set up on a table with players taking their positions around the game board.
Players place their tokens on the board at the castle space. Their cards and other playing components are placed in front of them around the game board.
Two 10 sided dice are thrown to indicate the number of spaces a player may move along the game path.

What is the playing time?

The playing time for Amuletum is 60 – 90 min.

What age group is Amuletum for?

Amuletum is designed for children from 13 years up to adults of any age.

Is it gender specific?

Amuletum is not gender specific for players. Players must become a knight or dame (female member of the knighthood order) to be eligible to continue on to fight the dragons, and players may identify with which ever they prefer.

Who created it?

Jerry Hawkins created the game concept (mechanics), as well as the theme and most of the art work, but eventually hired Sofia Hernandez to complete some of the artwork and redo much of the graphics.

Which countries will it be available in?

Amuletum will be sold online in any country that has access to the market.

Which languages will it be published in?

Amuletum will be launched with the rules published in English and Spanish but other languages will be considered as the game gains popularity.

Will there be expansion packs?

At the moment there is no consideration for an expansion pack.